Sunday, May 16, 2010


HI EVERYONE,today id like to start with explaining firstly what an affiliate program is,and the pros and cons of using them on your website.Basically an affiliate program is an agreement between a merchant and a website owner that the website owner will display ads for the merchant and push traffic to the merchants main site.A percent is given to the website owner of every sale closed or sometimes for every click to the merchants site .Now in my opinion this is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money online because you do not need a website or handle orders,have inventory,do customer service and all the regular headaches associated with owning a website,all you do is push traffic to the merchants site and receive checks in the mail ,its as simple as that.However it really is not that simple.Firstly you must know how to market properly(which most people dont know),secondly you must have the money to place the ads(usually ppc or email marketing),Thirdly and most importantly you have no power over the site youre completely in the merchants hands,if they decide to stop the site tough luck to you,if they decide to change the compensation plan screw you,and even if you dispute them over a sale youll never win.Also even when you do earn money and they admit it on their site when checking your stats etc you have to wait as long as a month or two to get the check.ladies and gentlemen this is in my opinion the biggest flaw in the affiliate model.i mean think about it..say youre running a PPC(pay-per-click)campaign and you get sales,great....but you gotta wait a frigin month to get the money,how in the world are you gonna keep this campaign running ,ppc and all methos of advertising are extremely expensive,so the ads stop,you lose your enthusiasm and the sales slow generally by having to wait so long to get paid you just cant calculate properly whats going on and when to do what it just becomes crazy.however my advice is simple....HAVE A SITE THAT IS ALREADY MAKING MONEY NORMALLY,then if you add affiliate links you dont mind waiting,itll just be 'ADDED INCOME"not the main thing.The same can be said about the wildly popular "adsense"program(which well discuss much more at length at a later date),have a normal site which is already making you money then add the adsense and itll make it even more profitable.All in all i would definitely recommend affiliate programs and adsense but just know what youre doing and have patience,eventually you will make good money!!!

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