Sunday, December 23, 2012

CNN: Nuchem Rosenberg Interviewed About Ultra-Orthodox Abuse in Williams...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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Rare View: Fishmonger Charged in Bleach Attack on Rosenberg

Rare View: Fishmonger Charged in Bleach Attack on Rosenberg: A Brooklyn fishmonger was charged by the police on Wednesday with  throwing bleach  in the face of a rabbi who is an outspoken advoc...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Orthodox rabbi attacked in Brooklyn

An Orthodox Jewish rabbi says he was hit in the face with a cup of bleach while walking down a Brooklyn street.

Police say 36-year-old Meilech Schnitzler was arrested shortly after he turned himself in Wednesday afternoon, less than 24 hours after he allegedly threw bleach into the eyes of his neighbor, Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg.
Rosenberg, who has spoken out against child sex abuse in the Satmar Hasidic sect, says the thrower is connected to another person in the community that he has accused of abusing children.

Police say they have a report of the alleged incident, and that the 62-year-old victim was treated and released from a hospital.
Rosenberg was a regular at the trial of Rabbi Nechemeya Weberman, who was convicted Monday of molesting a young girl over several years.
Rosenberg was not seriously hurt because he was wearing glasses and immediately rinsed his eyes out with water.
(The Associated Press contributed to this report)
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Justice in Williamsburg


Justice in Williamsburg

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The sexual abuse conviction in a State Supreme Court in Brooklyn of a prominent member of the Satmar Hasidic community sends a strong and overdue message to Williamsburg’s tightly knit ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighborhood, which has shielded such abusers from legal scrutiny.
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In a case brought by Charles Hynes, the Brooklyn district attorney, the court convicted Nechemya Weberman, a 54-year-old unlicensed therapist, of repeatedly sexually abusing a young girl who had been sent to him for help. Mr. Hynes said the verdict had lifted the “veil of secrecy” and had served notice that henceforth the prospects for justice are “only going to get better for people who are victimized in these various communities.”
Prosecutors have long had trouble finding witnesses in the community because speaking out, especially to non-Jewish legal authorities, could bring retaliation. In this particular case, Mr. Hynes charged four men with allegedly trying to interfere with bribery and threats. Four others face criminal contempt of court charges for taking pictures in the courtroom in an apparent attempt to intimidate the victim. On Tuesday, Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg, an advocate for child sex abuse victims, was taken to a hospital after what appeared to be bleach was thrown in his face as he walked down the street in Williamsburg.
The Weberman case is Mr. Hynes’s first conviction involving sexual abuse by a prominent member of Williamsburg’s Satmar community. He and his prosecutors owe much of that success to the bravery of the victim, who was 12 when she was sent to Mr. Weberman for what school officials considered rebelliousness. Now 18, she testified that she was forced to endure the abuse for three years. Mr. Weberman denied her charges, and his lawyer said he plans to appeal.
After receiving some criticism for not aggressively pursuing such crimes in the politically active ultra-Orthodox community, Mr. Hynes’s office has stepped up prosecution of abusers. Groups supporting the rights of victims have also been winning ground: a religious court for another Jewish community ruled last year that in cases of child abuse, “one is forbidden to remain silent” and must report the charge to civil authorities. The Satmar community should do the same. No religious institution has the right to shield its child abusers from civil prosecution.

The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff

The horrifying saga of the Nechemya Weberman trial and the guilty verdict on 59 or 60 of the consolidated counts has caught the attention of the world.
If the allegations are true, as guilty verdicts tend to indicate, and as the existence of 11 other victims too fearful to step forward indicates, then what we have here is truly sickening.
We have a 12-year-old girl that did not quite meet the standards of the community around her. The school officials refused to admit her back into the school unless her parents pre-paid for therapy—to the tune of $12,900.
And then she suffers three years of horrifying abuse at the hands of the very “therapist” that the school had required her to meet with regularly. Imagine the pain of such a girl who must endure the sickest of acts—with the knowledge that no one would believe her if she told of what was being done to her.
The Navi cries out, “Bagda Yehuda v’soaivah ne’esasa b’Yisrael!” Our schools are named after our heilege imahos and avos. And the matriarch, Mama Rachel, is crying now. Of that there is no doubt.
Our schools have handed over these precious souls to monsters for abuse. And then, when they ultimately come forward, we vilify them and their families. We exclude them from our camps and our schools.
Hakezona ya’aseh es achoseini?
And this was aided and abetted by the kehilah leadership, rachmana litzlan! The kehilah leadership! Not even a brush full of the blackest of paint could put such horrors on a canvas!
Has there ever been such a parallel in our entire history?
During the reign of Nicholas the First, y’s, in Tsarist Russia, we had something close, when he initiated the heartless conscription of precious Jewish children for 25 years in the Russian army. The kehillah leadership selected the recruits. They were from the weakest of the weak, the young boys of defenseless widows. The kehillah had hired vicious people called, “khappers” who would do the vile deeds.
It was the Bubby of Yehuda Leib Katzenelson, who best related the dark history of this time, a history that finds parallel in our very own times now too:
“First I thought that the khappers could only be Plishtim or mizera Amalek. But no, my child, to my horror, to our great shame and horror, the khappers, all of the khappers were, in fact, Yidden. Yidden mit beard un payos! And that is our greatest problem. We Jews are accustomed to attacks, lies, libels, and evil decrees from anti-Semites, yes. This has happened from the dawn of time, and such is our lot in the galus. In the past, our enemies held a cross in one hand and a knife in the other and said, “Jew! Kiss the cross or feel the blade of the knife!” and Jews preferred death rather than conversion. But now there comes Yidden, fruma Yidden, who capture children and send them off to oblivion. Such a punishment was not even listed in the most horrible curses of the toychacha. Yidden spilling the blood of their brothers! And, rachmana litzlan, the rabbanim are silent!”
Her words, so poignant and so painful, describe the fate of this dear daughter of Williamsburg as well, who suffered not once but twice! Once at the hand of her tormentor and again at the hands of our community who so abandoned her.
The horrifying reality is that all this was brought about by the existence of a so-called “Vaad HaTzniyus!” Clearly, we need to do teshuvah. We need a teshuvah so profound and deep that it should shake the very mountains that surround us.
This op-ed does not mean to question the notion of an institution that watches over tzniyus within Torah communities. The need for an oversight committee to ensure that matters between the genders do not get out of hand is established both in the Talmud, the Shulchan Aruch, as well as in the codes and laws of numerous societies and nations throughout history.
What we are questioning, however, is how this particular Vaad HaTzniyus is staffed and operated. The revelations made in this trial and by various people who have been in touch with rabbanim as to their experiences are appalling.
It seems, unfortunately, that we have allowed this institution to run amok, staffed by corrupt individuals, who have lost all sense of propriety in what types of behaviors the Torah demands of us. The Weberman case reveals the tip of the iceberg in how low we have sunk in terms of corruption, extortion, and yes, violations of arayos.
If we look into the halachic sources, the officers of these organizations must be an extension of a beis din. It is sad to say that in this Vaad HaTzniyus, there is no affiliation whatsoever with the community beis din—they are gangs of self-appointed ruffians with little or no Torah training whatsoever, who use threats and intimidations to line their own pockets or to fulfill some psychological need to exert power over others. In short, the Williamsburg community must face up to what we have allowed to develop within our midst.
We have our own home-brewed mafia.
This mafia is not represented by poskim, rabbanim, or by batei dinim. Indeed, our Torah leaders are frightened to take a stand against their excesses. We need to take steps to remedy this situation, and we need to do so now.
Firstly, we must abolish the current organizations now and disenfranchise them from any power base that we can. The Vaad HaTzniyus organizations and everyone involved in them must be directly run by batei dinim and poskim. The beis din must have oversight over every individual involved in these activities and anything said and done must have the approval of qualified poskim.
Secondly, like in other areas of halacha, the beis din should have the ability to consult with trained experts in the medical, psychological, social work, and legal fields to assist and advise in their decision as to what is proper and appropriate. Violations of hilchos yichud with a 12-year-old girl is never appropriate, notwithstanding Mr. Weberman’s horrible and incorrect misrepresentation that hilchos yichud is not a Torah violation.
Thirdly, we cannot have the chillul Hashem of forcing clients, students, or others who may have stumbled to attend “therapy sessions” with non-professionals who happen to be our own family members. Therapists should only be of the same gender as the client, and must be unrelated to the one pushing the recommendation. As Torah Jews we must make every effort to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Here we have what appears to be gross and wholesale “scams.” The chilul Hashem that we have all witnessed here in the past two years is of a dimension never seen in our history.
And finally, we must end the culture of punishing those who come forward. The menahelim of the schools that refused admittance to family of those who came forward must be either removed from their positions or severely warned. They must be identified and told not to do so again. We must learn the lesson of this toeivah that happened in Klal Yisrael and make sure that it never happen again.
In the early 1850’s when the great gaon and tzaddik Rav Eliyahu Shik of Grodno found out about the kehillah’s involvement in the horrible reality of khapping yiddisher kinder, he called upon everyone to “revolt and rebel against the heads of the kehilah, to tear the kahal building to shreds.” He himself ran with an axe in his hand in front of the crowd that had gathered, each man armed with an axe. Before they were stopped they had broken the iron bolts on the door of the kahal building and freed the three young men that were held there.
Our reaction must be to immediately dissolve this Vaad HaTzniyus which forced Yiddishe girls into the hands of a monster. Their names should be recorded and never again must such people be put in charge of such grave matters of responsibility. A vaad of tzniyus must only be direct representatives of choshuvah and leading poskim well respected throughout the Torah world. And no matter who it may be, which meyuchasdika person, we must never forget the holy words of Chazal, “Ein apitropus l’arayos—no one, absolutely no one can be trusted alone in matters of arayos.”

Rabbi Nachum Rosenbergtold PIX11 he was walking down Roebling Stree

ublished on Dec 11, 2012
A Brooklyn rabbi who writes a blog about sex abuse within the insular, Orthodox Jewish community of Williamsburg told PIX 11 he had bleach thrown in his face by another Hasidic man Tuesday.

Rabbi Nachum Rosenberg told PIX11 he was walking down Roebling Street, when a man with a beard and black coat ran across from a fish store and confronted him.

"He takes a full cup of bleach and he spilled it onto me. Half of my face is burned, and my left eye, I can't see right out of it. I see everything very faded."

The attack happened one day after a jury convicted a prominent Satmar Hasidic man, Nechemya Weberman, of repeatedly molesting a student in the community, starting when she was just 12 years old. Weberman, an unlicensed counselor, faces up to 117 years in prison, when he's sentenced next month. Many Hasidic men in the community raised money for his defense.

The trial exposed secrets about the alleged Satmar Hasidic "modesty squads" that allegedly raid the homes of girls and families that don't follow the strict rules of the Hasidic community.

Rosenberg told detectives from Brooklyn's 90th Precinct he was attacked by a relative of the fish store owner on Roebling Street. After the conviction of Nechemya Weberman, Rosenberg wrote on his blog the fish store owner would be the next man arrested by police, writing cheekily the man should get his bags packed. When PIX 11 went inside the store Tuesday afternoon, no owner was present, just several workers who said they didn't speak English.

Detectives took Rosenberg's black jacket and pants—typical of those worn by Satmar Hasidic men—as forensic evidence in the case. The rabbi left the hospital wearing scrubs, because his clothing was taken by the police. Rosenberg's son dropped him off at the 90th Precinct, where he was expected to view line-ups of potential suspects.

rabbi nachum rosenberg video

Man Accused of Throwing Bleach At Brooklyn Rabbi Who Aids Abuse Victims « CBS New York

Man Accused of Throwing Bleach At Brooklyn Rabbi Who Aids Abuse Victims « CBS New York

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Achieving a high crawl rate for your website

By Kenn Bacon

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Your blog or site needs a sitemap. If you don't have a sitemap you aren't going to be able to guide the bots through your website. Targeted and good sitemaps are very helpful for the spiders who need to navigate through your website. Regardless of how many pages you have, your sitemap will help the search engine bots index all the pages. So if you haven't built a sitemap yet, this is the time to do so.

You can often get solid SEO advice and information about crawl rate if you join a good marketing forum. Remember that it will take a little while before you can begin turning things around in this area. Take each day one at a time, and then just feel good that you are taking positive steps. Do not settle for less in anything you do, so simply seek out those who are knowledgeable and pick their brains about it. Do you have any ideas at this stage? 30 second smile scam is an area that offers a tremendous amount for those who are serious or need to learn. We have found other folks think these points are helpful in their search. Sometimes it can be tough to get a clear picture until you discover more. Try examining your own unique requirements which will help you further refine what may be necessary. You have a sound base of a few important points, and we will make that much more powerful for you as follows.

Say no to blackhat SEO techniques, avoid them like plague. When you indulge in blackhat techniques, you aren't going to get any long term results. Your results will be temporary at best. Common blackhat techniques include keyword stuffing and doorway pages. Instead of choosing a blackhat route, why not make the extra effort for whitehat methods? It'll give you better long term results and help you maintain a good relationship with the search engines. Quick fixes are not the answer, work to find results that will offer you consistency and stability. Has what you have discovered added to your previous knowledge? 30 second smile scam is a massive area with many more sub-topics you can read about. You can find there is much in common with topical areas directly resembling this one. Continue reading through and you will see what we mean about important nuances you need to know about. If you are uncertain about what is needed for you, then just take a closer look at your particular situation. The rest of our talk will add more to what we have mentioned so far. You can get a good handle on making your crawl rate stay high, but you also cannot do anything to hurt it either. Remember that you cannot impose your will too much on what Google's bots do. Sometimes you can make things change very quickly, but you have to really have your site optimized well and know what to do. Remember that the majority of your success depends on how much 'work' you actually put into in the first place.

These are the kinds of approaches that can be put to good usage as you see fit. But it is important with 30 second smile scam that you only decide on what is most suitable for your needs. You just have to really be careful about where you get your information, sometimes. Although we do feel most content writers have totally sincere goals when they write. You should also keep the subsequent in mind because it will make a huge difference for you.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If you've been using Google's AdSense on your pages........

By Rui Ludovino

If you've been using Google's AdSense on your pages, wouldn't you want to generate even more traffic for your website, which in turn would translate to more AdSense click and a higher income? But how can you achieve this? Well, the major way you'll get visitors to see your website (other than using AdWords, which is encouraged as well) is to use some techniques to have search engines send more and more users towards your page, by ranking high in search results for your topics of interest.

Believe it or not this is a technique called search-engine optimization or simply SEO. So here are a bunch of tips that can help you with this topic. The first thing you need to take care of is the actual source code and layout of your page. It is better to have a simple layout.

The problem comes when AdSense and the search engines themselves begin to have troubles in extracting the most relevant keywords on your site is your layout is very complicated. Secondly, try to have each one of your pages target only one specific topic. By doing so, they get indexed properly and for the AdSense ads to be consistent with the content of the site itself.

Another important thing is to have original and compelling content. How do you do this? Well the easiest way to do it is to find something you're really passionate about. That way, you can build the content very fast if you work hard on it. If the content you use in your site is in the public domain (which is highly discouraged) make sure that you at least give it an original title, and add an opening and a closing paragraph of your own.

This takes a little while, but if, after waiting, you still can't find your page near the top, you should try rewriting your title and your first and last paragraphs. This will only use a little bit of your time because you only need to change few words. And of, course there's the use of keyword tools that may aid you in finding some good keywords to include on your page that will drive visitors to your site more and more. So those are about the basic techniques in search engine optimization. You can find a lot of computer tools to aid you in doing this. Google is a great place for you to look for tools.

Finally, you'll find that SEO is a complex topic, and entire books have been written on the topic as well. You might find that you have a lot of optimization you need to do in order to get more and more visitors to your site and clicking those precious AdSense banners to make you that extra revenue that you desire.

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