Thursday, February 23, 2012

By Jess Mueller

Taping is a common practice in the chiropractic field and there was an Asian chiropractor back in the 1970s that invented something known as kinesiology taping which is basically a taping technique that is non-restrictive. The standard protocol for stabilizing limbs and what not is through binding with the help of conventional elastic bandages but the thing about these bandages is that their provision of support is restrictive therefore causing a much slower rate of healing. The range of motion of limbs are normally impeded when bandaged but not when kinesiology tape is used as this is designed to allow full range of motion while stabilizing the joints therefore reducing pain and inflammation.

The relationship of the muscles to the skin and the skin to the body allowed Dr. Kase to come up with the kinesiology taping technique. Something that you should know about muscles is that they allow us to move while regulating circulation and neuromuscular transmission and because of this, they are tremendously vital for healing. Muscles that are in good health can work on the body's circulation but those that have been strained lose elasticity and are unable to fulfill their responsibilities.

What Dr. Kase wanted to do was to create a kind of tape that is as elastic as a natural muscle. He used the skin, the largest organ of the body, as his model to create a material that would aid in the transmission of stimulating and healing information throughout the body similar to the function of the skin's nerve receptors. Designed to mimic the skin, the kinesiology tape was developed with a proper degree of elasticity, as with a human muscle, while lifting the skin microscopically and activating neurological and circulatory systems towards healing and regeneration.

Because of its ability to increase the rate of regeneration not to mention reduce swelling in muscles, the kinesiology taping method is being recognized as one of the best ways to treat all kinds of muscle conditions. What you have here is something that has a strong impact not only on the muscles and tendons but on the skin as well. What you have here classifies as an economical form of treatment for various forms of pain.

When it comes to something like the kinesiology taping technique, it can be used on patients based on the doctor's evaluation. In this case, orthopedic assessments are required apart from manual muscle testing and gait assessment. This kind of treatment is not meant for exclusive usage as you can combine it with other kinds of rehabilitative methods.

The thing about kinesiology tapes is that they are breathable because they are made from a combination of cotton fiber and hypoallergenic acrylic adhesive. Aside from relying on various patterns, there are various levels of tightness that are considered when the tape is applied. It does not pose limits to the wearer's range of motion, and may be worn for three to five days unlike standard tapes that are used only for the duration of a certain activity.

What you have here is something that can be used for orthopedic problems and neuromuscular ones as well. For people who are suffering from pre- and post-surgical edema and other muscular injuries, this kind of technique can effectively stimulate healing. Normally, this method is relied on for maintenance treatments and the like after swelling comes to a halt.

Kinesiology taping works by re-educating the neuromuscular system, promoting good bodily circulation and healing and assists in returning the body to homeostasis. What you have here is something that provides supports to muscles and the like reducing pain and boosting mobility. The thing about this tape is that it is able to soothe the muscles deep within by affecting the skin cells.

The thing about kinesiology tape is that it is widely used in sports as it allows players to heal without requiring them to sacrifice any time that should go to their training. The huge success of kinesiology tapes came after the Beijing Olympics, and is now routinely being used by famous athletes including David Beckham and Lance Armstrong. When it comes to kinesiology, this is not something that is utilized by medical doctors alone as trainers and coaches also apply this into their practices.

Since the body has the ability to regenerate, kinesiology taping is something that boosts the healing process. What you have here is a kind of tape that can stabilize muscles without impeding one's range of motion. While there is no clear evidence of long-term positive effects from employing this technique, the use of kinesiology tape is found to have a beneficial effect on pain relief, range of motion and neuromuscular circulation over the short term.

About the Author:

Non-drug means--is what the kinesiology taping technique is now known of.


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